I want to increase motivation and commitment of my team

How do I help people to become proactive?

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I want to introduce a transformational style of leadership

How do I do that?

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I want to improve employee engagement and productivity.

How do I increase engagement?

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I want to stimulate professional development in my organisation

How do I help managers to inspire others to develop further?

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Inpersona coaching

We support managers and teams to get the best out of themselves.

We provide services in the areas of:

  • Assessment
  • Coaching
  • Leadership development

Our team

We offer high quality services by highly qualified people. Our international team has extensive experience Training & Development, HR Management, Executive Coaching and Assessments. Our team combines practical experiences with solid theoretical knowledge.

I was pleasantly surprised by the diverse and inspiring group of people, the approach to the sessions from the two skilled and experienced coaches, and the overall quality of the content they managed to fit in the program. Participating in it has shined new light on how I can help my team members become better versions of themselves. With the knowledge gained I plan to overhaul my coaching conversations and take them to the next level.

Jeff, Team Leader

Johan coached me through what has been until now the most challenging time of my career. There are two things that make him a “one-of-a-kind” coach: professionalism and generosity. His thorough attention to the most subtle details comes across in every session. At the same time, he is a graceful and giving person. Johan will want in his heart for you to succeed. He will also not settle for anything else but excellence. A coaching trajectory with Johan is not a walk in the park but a quest together away from your comfort zone and into a forest of unimaginable potential.

Diego, CEO in a start-up organisation

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Johan. His coaching & supervision knowledge was a huge advantage to my personal development & growth. I confidently recommend him. Thank you for your support.

Bart Jenezon, Chief Inspiration Officer

October 17th 2023‘GROW the InPersona way’ open programme

For this online programme we bring together participants from different sectors and different geographies for an interesting learning journey.

Our next programme will commence October 17th 2023.

Download de Inpersona brochure


Do you want to learn more about Inpersona? Fill in your details below and download the brochure.